
Below you will find a few featured articles. If you have a question about one of the articles, or are seeking advice, please  contact Martin.     Please also be sure to review our limitations and disclaimers with the rest of our legal disclosures.

It Takes a Decision

I woke up one day, realizing that my life had gotten out of control.  I was nearly 100 pounds overweight, troubles with my lungs and high blood pressure, facing a growing concern of Type 2 diabetes on the near horizon. Here’s a picture from those days: As long as it seems to make this all […]

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Dumbbell Workout

A Timeless Truth Some truths seem apparent but fade with time. Some truth just refuses to fade. As long as pushing iron for strength has been recorded, dumbbells have been the preferred solution. The reasons are many. Having trained for several decades, I have used a wide range of barbells, machines, and dumbbells finding value […]

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Keeping It Simple

I lifted my first weights over 40 years ago.  Over that time, the magazines and books I’ve read on the subject of bodybuilding and strength training would fill a formidable library.  I’ve learned a lot of lessons.  The most powerful training principle I’ve embraced through it all – simplicity. Keeping it Simple Keep It Simple […]

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Your Body Type

Ever hear what sounded like really good training advice, only to find it ineffective when you put it to use? Success is fun, but failure is a tough pill to swallow, especially when the same advice method worked for others. Listening to a world class bodybuilder recently, he described his secret to success in that he “trained five hours a day, every day, […]

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Training As We Age

The fastest growing population group in the United States includes those people between age 65 and 70, with over 12 million people.  With the aging baby boomers, the population age 65 and higher is expected to continue growing rapidly.

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My approach to nutrition

I was a skinny kid and pretty much what they call a hardgainer.  It took me years to gain strength.   For most of my training years, I took the ‘skinny&

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Deadlift: Do it Right

The deadlift continues to be one of the best exercises for strength and conditioning because; (a) the deadlift allows you to lift heavier weights than any other exercise, (b) it is an effective tool for improving explosive strength performance, a

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Low Carb Nutrition

Our very existence depends on food. But food has taken a role larger than survival in most of the modern world.  We live in a world saturated with junk food and adult obesity rates rising in excess of 35%.  My research and personal experience has caused me to advocate a carb-controlled nutrition plan in all […]

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Counting Calories

In my journey through losing almost 100 pounds of body weight, I’ve learned some painful lessons.  Perhaps the biggest lesson learned was about calories, and the deceptions so commonly spread about them online.  Here is an example of the

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Emotional Well Being

What makes a person want to train, lift weights, do cardio, year after year? Many factors have played a role in my desire and ability to continue a regimen of exercise year after year. Put simply, it feels good to exercise. […]

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